Controversial, thought-provoking, artistic and independent films are the focus of biweekly Thursday evening Green Door film screenings in the loft above Greens N Grains Deli in Egg Harbor.
This entertaining documentary explores the phenomenon of Jack Rebney, who became an Internet sensation after a grainy, nearly 20-year-old video of him furiously swearing up a storm while filming a Winnebago sales video made the rounds online. Enjoy laughs and an insightful look at what happens when unwanted fame sweeps someone up into a life of notoriety that they never desired. Traveling to a mountaintop, filmmaker Ben Steinbauer tracks down Rebney – who’s become known in underground circles as the “Angriest Man in the World” – and tries to discover what makes this loner tick.
The Green Door Film Society will screen and discuss “Winnebago Man” on Thursday, December 16. They meet every other week to watch and then discuss film society screenings that include unusual films of all kinds from documentaries to foreign flicks.
Greens N Grains Deli hosts a natural and organic dinner special each evening before the Green Door Film Society meetings. Enjoy a delicious soup specialty, salad, a fresh baked roll and a cup of tea for $7.50, available from 6 pm on. The Film Society screenings take place at 7 pm and there is no charge for membership but seating at screenings is limited to 20 people – call 920.868.9999 to reserve a seat.
Greens N Grains Natural Foods and Deli is open daily from 10 am – 5 pm – except on Film Society screening nights when they will remain open until 9 pm – in downtown Egg Harbor at 7821 Hwy 42, and can be reached at 920.868.9999 or by email at The store’s Website features news and special monthly discount flyers at