Delicious cherry pies from Door County’s own Sweetie Pies in Fish Creek are only a part of the bet between Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Illinois Governor Pat Quinn over the Packers vs Bears NFC Championship game this weekend!
When Jon Jarosh, the Communications & PR Director from the Door County Visitor Bureau noticed that Governor Scott Walker was Tweeting @GovWalker for possible ideas on a wager he might use to challenge the Governor of Illinois over this weekend’s Packer vs Bear game, Jon immediately thought of Door County cherries!
“I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to offer up some of our delicious Door County cherry pies as part of the Wisconsin side of the wager,” Jarosh said Wednesday. “So I tweeted back and said we’d be happy to put up some Door County cherry pies. The next day we got a call from the Governor’s office asking to take us up on our offer.”
According to a press release issued by the governor’s office, the loser of the bet will volunteer in a food pantry in the winner’s state wearing a t-shirt of the opposing team while distributing the food from the wager. Wisconsin cranberry products, bratwurst, custard and honey will join Door County cherry pies in the friendly wager by Governor Walker. In addition, the loser must also fly the opposing team’s flag in his governor’s office for a day before the Super Bowl.
“I received many tweets offering some of Wisconsin’s most famous foods as a wager,” Governor Walker said in a statement released Wednesday. “I’m grateful that win or lose, those food producers have committed to donating food to the pantry at which the losing Governor volunteers. I look forward to hosting Governor Quinn in Wisconsin after a 28-24 Packer victory,” he said.
Jarosh said ten Door County cherry pies from Sweetie Pies in Fish Creek will be sent to a yet-to-be-determined location selected by the governor’s office following the game, and that hopefully it will be in Wisconsin. He was excited for Door County and the Visitor Bureau to be a part of the wager between Governors, and looked forward to the county’s popular red fruit helping carry the green and gold to victory over the Chicago Bears on Sunday.